Meet the Owner

Lisa Gilbert-
At the young age of nine years old Lisa got her first dog Brutus a mini-schnauzer. This dog helped develop her passion for animals. Through his 15 years of life, his constant companion was a woman he grew from a child to a young adult. Having watched over this dog was lisa's first real passion in life. Since then she has moved on to having three dogs and been fostering dogs in the rescue community for 5 years. All the while maintaining a full time job as your friendly local county coroner. Working odd hours and stressful days, Lisa herself has used many dog daycare facilities. In this endevour she say that not all facilities watch your dog with the type of love they are used to. Just another paw in the palace if you will. Lisa started Naperville dog boarding with the intent of treating every dog like her own. She is certified in training and obedience. She understands how to treat dogs with respect and knows how to train the trainer (you) so your dogs good behaviour goes home with you. While Lisa is not the "dog whisperer" you will also not need to worry about your dog being put in uncomfortable situations. Lisa invites you to swing by the facilites and ask any questions you may have. If you would rather, email Lisa at